About Us

 Discover Soriano

Across our divisions, digital platforms, and services, our clients and customers have access to the resources and reach of a unified global firm to help them achieve their goals.


Our Strategy

We commit people, capital and ideas to help our clients, shareholders and the communities we serve to grow.

Platform Solutions

Powering clients with innovative and customer-centered financial products.

Global Investment Research

Our Global Investment Research division provides original, fundamental insights and analysis for clients in the alternative investments private markets.



At SGH Limited, We work with start-ups to mid-size market capitalized companies across major industries. We are committed to effectively serve their business optimization, and ensure that you are fully equipped to face the challenges in the ever-changing and uncertain global markets. We provide our various strategies with a private equity perspective to capital appreciation as well as capital preservation.

​Build your startup and learn from the best. All in one place.
Our 9 month program in New York City will take you to the next level.

We believe startups learn more when professionals work side by side with experienced leaders and other entrepreneurs. Contact us and join our family.

We work closely with high-net-worth individuals, families and select foundations and endowments to develop wealth and investment management strategies. We then identify investment opportunities to help them reach their objectives. We complement these services with robust execution capabilities and attentive client service. Where appropriate, we introduce our clients to the broader network and resources of The Soriano Family.


Our Thinking

Insights in this section originate from individuals in different divisions. Each of our businesses has different focus areas, goals, time horizons, investing styles and clients, so it is not unusual for individuals to have different views on similar topics.

Technology Driving Innovation

Technological mega-trends are reshaping businesses, markets and entire economies.

The New Energy Landscape

The global energy market is undergoing significant change – from the development of technologies that are dramatically increasing the energy supply to the emergence of alternative energy sources – creating the potential to reshape economies and industries.

​​Now that you’ve brought your minimal viable ecosystem together, you’re ready to design the business model for your solution. While you may be co